Beta 8.10 released
Willy K. Hamra
w.hamra1987 at
Sun Oct 12 14:55:38 UTC 2008
Billie Walsh wrote:
> Lisi Reisz wrote:
>> On Sunday 12 October 2008 00:31:47 Gene Heskett wrote:
>>>> Incidently, my local LUG currently has a membership ranging in age from 14
>>>> to 76. (So far as we know. There may, of course, be the odd closet 9
>>>> year old or 85 year old. ;-) ) Why do groups of people need to be all
>>>> the same age for people to "belong"??
>>>> Lisi
>>> They don't Lisi, and that's the point.
>> Yes - that is the point I was making. Willy had said that he felt he didn't
>> belong because you and I are so ancient.
>> Lisi
> Willy should enjoy it now. Youth is way to short.
> Age is mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter.
> A friend of mine say it's not the age that matters it's the mileage. I'm
> one owner high mileage.
> I'm like an old broke down horse. Been rode hard and put away wet.
> The object is not to arrive at the pearly gates in perfect, pristine,
> condition. The object is to slide in head first, broke down, burned out,
> used up, and screaming "Man what a ride!"
> You know, it's funny. I don't really feel old in my head [ does that
> make any sense at all ]. I mean my body is "old" and not able to do as
> many things as it used to but my brain keeps saying "you can do it" but
> the body says "not on your nelly". And when my brain does talk my body
> into doing something I pay for it for three or four days afterwards.
yes, it actually makes me feel a lot better, seeing how much you've been
through. i think the problem was the at first, the shock i got to
realize there are people your age on this mailing list, while i have
been writing emails all this time assuming I'm talking to young people.
and i was thinking like, omg, these are people way older than me,
perhaps i should have addressed them in a different way? what if one of
my emails was considered rude when addressed to someone their age?
but then, come to think about it, it makes me feel a lot better now,
knowing I'm not always talking with young people with no experience,
specially, that when I'm talking to someone my age, i assume that this
person, like me, knows all his stuff from this short time experimenting,
the way i learn. whereas older people, take their experience from years
and years of using the same program, through it's many versions.
i like how you, Billie, describe the arrival at the pearly gates :P yes,
people need to enjoy their life to the fullest. I'm only 21, and i
already have loads of regrets about my teenage, that's when i decided
(about a year and a half ago) that i want to enjoy my life, and live
everyday like there's no tomorrow. :)
Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computer & Billy Net
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