m4a->mp3 help

Jonas Norlander jonorland at gmail.com
Sat Oct 11 21:20:41 UTC 2008

2008/10/11 Juan Kawada <juankawada at gmail.com>:
> Jonas, thanks for the script
> I used
> find ~/Music -iname "*.m4a" -print
> and I got a huge output of filenames, but what now? I'm trying to add them
> to the queue in soundKonverter, but that doesn't look like it'll work. Is
> there another program that would let me do this?
> or, what if instead of "-print" I used a command to just convert the file,
> would that work? Also what program would let me do that from the command
> line, and what command would I use?

You can use the -exec option with find to execute a command for every
file found. I'm not that good with find so perhaps some other with
more knowledge can fill in on this or search the net for some find
tutorial. There is some programs mention in the links posted by Willy,
possibly they can be used.

/ Jonas

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