Beta 8.10 released

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Sat Oct 11 19:22:48 UTC 2008

Willy K. Hamra wrote:
> Lisi Reisz wrote:
>  > No - I hestitate to contradict you, but this mention of actual ages
> arose
>> because Gene assumed that he was talking to someone who was not his age.  He 
>> said in fact that he was 3 times my age.  So his assumption is that everyone 
>> else is young - not that everyone else is his age!!  You are almost exactly 
>> on the age he clearly wants the rest of us to be. ;-)  (One third of 74 is 
>> just under 25.)
>> You have knowledge, we have experience.  The one complements the other nicely.  
>> Please don't let's turn this into an ageist war. :-)
> we can't deny the importance of experience. while i surely have
> experience in computers (not too much in linux, though :P) i still lack
> the 15+ years of experience a lot of people have.
>> Incidently, my local LUG currently has a membership ranging in age from 14 to 
>> 76.  (So far as we know.  There may, of course, be the odd closet 9 year old 
>> or 85 year old. ;-)  )  Why do groups of people need to be all the same age 
>> for people to "belong"??
> my problem is that where i live, and most of the countries surrounding
> me, people above 30~35 who know how to operate a computer are very very
> rare, it's all youngsters like me. this sociological environment around
> me, makes ma assume that this condition is everywhere, but as it's
> obvious, there are a lot of places around the world, where there is
> older people who happen to know computers pretty well.
> and no, one can belong to a group of people of different age as long as
> they share something, like they use the same OS for example, but due to
> the anonymosity of the internet, and certain expectations people might
> have in their mind, they tend to get surprised once they realize who
> exactly these people they're communicating with are.
Willy, where are you located?



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