Ubuntu 8.04 - eee 900pc - Using the Camera

Joel Oliver joelol75 at verizon.net
Fri Oct 10 19:19:16 UTC 2008

Art Alexion wrote:
> On Friday 10 October 2008 2:00:31 pm Joel Oliver wrote:
>> Douglas Murray wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Does anyone have a Eee 900 PC and able to use the built-in camera with
>>> Ubuntu?  I recently installed Ubuntu and am quite happy with it, but
>>> he only thing that I haven t had success with was the built in
>>> camera.  There seems to be no applications that were installed that
>>> make use of it.
>>> Any working suggestions / ideas on this would be appreciated.
>>> Thank you in advance,
>>> Doug!
>>> --
>>> Henry Kissinger "There can't be a Crisis, my schedule is full for next
>>> week!"
>> Kopete and Cheese are two programs that use the webcam.  Or is it that
>> it's not working at all?
> I have the same issue, Joel.  It is the latter.  Everything else works well.  
> One thing that I had problems with was automounting USB media.  The solution 
> was that mount had to be SUID, a default in Kununtu, but not so with Ubuntu 
> eee.  Now that I have made that change only the camera is not working.
I see others have the same problem on the ee.  From what I understand, 
the driver is named ucvideo.ko

The only options are to compile the driver and modprobe it (I don't know 
where to go about getting it)

It may be fixed in newer kernels as well (No guarantee there!  But I 
here the wifi is finally fixed in 2.6.27.  That's the Atheros AR5007 
chipset which can be downloaded and compiled now, but only works with 
x86 arch doing this.  My buddies HP laptop has the AR5007EG chipset and 
didn't work out of the box either and is stuck with the x86 version 
although I really wanted to use the 64 bit on the install.

Maybe lspci or lsusb will name the camera model and you can search for 
ee pc and comeup with the source.... Otherwise... Maybe ripping it out 
of the original software somehow?   I don't think that'll work...


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