8.10 observations & a question

Myriam Schweingruber schweingruber at pharma-traduction.ch
Fri Oct 10 18:24:28 UTC 2008

Hi Nigel,

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 11:16 AM, Nigel Ridley
<nigel at prayingforisrael.net> wrote:
> After installing 8.10 on my boy's box I must admit that I am beginning to like it and am seeing
> some improvements day by day with the updates.
> However there is one annoying thing (which I'm sure they must fix soon):
> Adding, say Firefox, to the [KMenu] Favorites (and also happens when added to the desktop and
> panel) results in a plain 'gear' icon that cannot be changed.
> How does one change it?

Same behavior here, but this seems to be solved in 4.2 (compiled from
SVN). Could it be that this bug is Kubuntu specific? I can't find a
report in bugs.kde.org



PS. Using Intrepid 8.10 and KDE 4.2(compile from SVN trunk) updated 2 days ago

> P.S. I really haven't taken the time to understand all this plasma stuff etc. and what does the
> 'Dashboard' actually do - or meant to do? It all seems rather complicated.

PPS. You might get a clue if you check the video made by Aaron Seigo
and Sebastian Kügler for that:
Check this PDF too: http://plasma.kde.org/media/plasma-slides.pdf

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