
Art Alexion art.alexion at
Fri Oct 10 14:42:07 UTC 2008

On Thursday 09 October 2008 5:28:50 pm Emanoil Kotsev wrote:
> Sorry to mix up also in your discussion, but I'm using a program called
> krd, which is much much better (my own opinion) than krfb or krdc.
> Unfortunately it's not avialable on kubuntu but can be downloaded from
> sourceforge and compiles in about 2min on hardy
> It uses rdesktop and docks in the panel - the think I always wanted to have
> ;-)
> may be give it a try

Yes, I use TSClient on Ubuntu (Gnome) and this works quite well including 
docking.  I have no idea how it runs from KDE because I do all of my remoting 
from Gnome.

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