kde 4.1.2 and widgets

Alain Muls alain.muls at telenet.be
Fri Oct 10 12:51:11 UTC 2008


I am quite happy with KDEv4.1.2, it is not perfect yet but it is getting 
better with every iteration.

I follow the KDE announce feed and often I see screenshots with widgets that I 
cannot find or compile. 

1. What needs to be installed on a kubuntu system to be able to compile 
2. I installed some widgets using a deb-file I downloaded from the KDE website, 
but using the add widget does not show them in the list, even after a reboot 
(should normally not be necessary). I tried to locate them so that I could use 
the install from file feature, but in vain. Also the install from internet is 
not functional yet (this is still in development if I am not mistaken)

Tx for any clarification

Alain MULS                                              alain.muls at telenet.be
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