Amarok and Ipods

Kevin Jones kjb.jones at
Fri Oct 10 04:13:22 UTC 2008

Hello all,
I am running kde 3.5.10 oh HH.
I have configured amarok to recognize my ipod.  I am able to 'enqueue" some 
traacks to the lower right hand  pane.
When I try to transfer by  clicking on the transfer tab at the top I find that 
is   greyed out.(disconnect to the left of it is also greyed out, but connect 
is active.)
There is a double  arrow to the right of the transfer tab, which, when 
clicked, reveals a  pane called 'configure Media device-Amarok'. Pre-connect 
command is blank and the Post-disconnect  command reads  kdeeject -q %d
Can anyone help to activate the transfer button  so that I may charge my ipod?

thanks in aadvance
Kevin Jones

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