8.10b - first impression and questions

Martin Laberge mlsoft at videotron.ca
Fri Oct 10 01:28:45 UTC 2008

On Thursday 09 October 2008 03:41:33 Arnaud bourree wrote:
> Poor US system users, you haven't chance because computers help you to stay
> on your island.
> Because when Europe migrate in XVII centery, no tools help us to migrate and
> because we weren't in democraty at this time nobody ask us if we want or
> not.
> Arnaud
> Yes, I'm European and happy to used metric system ;-)

I prefer to have a 6 inches tool in my pocket, than one on 6 cm.


Martin Laberge
mlsoft at videotron.ca
30 Years of Unix Admin, and still learning...

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