how to get a real root/user seperation?

Derek Broughton news at
Thu Oct 9 23:41:55 UTC 2008

Willy K. Hamra wrote:

> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> Dexter Filmore wrote:
>>> Well, remove sudo ans set a root passwd all sounds fine, but what if I
>>> fire up Adept for example. Would it ask for the users passwd and attempt
>>> to perform a sudo
>> Absolutely.  What's the problem?  The _only_ user, as set up by the
>> installer, who has sudo access is the user created at install time.  No
>> other user has access to root.
> i think wha dexter wanted was to remove sudo in the first place and make
> his system like the old classic linux. 

I'm sure it is - but he's given me (and at least one other poster) the
impression that he wants to do that because he thinks anybody can run
anything via sudo, so I point out that that's _not_ a problem.  otoh, if
any misguided fool wants to set up a root account, I've stopped trying to
argue with them :-)

> remove sudo access for even 
> himself, and use the root password for his work. he's asking, if he
> fires adept, will it recognise the lack of sudo and ask for the root
> password, or will it not notice such thing, and asks for sudo password
> (his own password) which will of course fail.
I thought I answered that - yes, it'll fail.  He _can_, no doubt, create a
new "kdesudo" that will essentially just run "su" and ask for a root
password (easier, get an older copy of kdesu from debian, which actually
did that), but failing that lots of .desktop launchers are going to fail,
because they expect kdesudo.

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