Beta 8.10 released

Martin Laberge mlsoft at
Wed Oct 8 22:12:25 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 08 October 2008 06:26:21 you wrote:
> Well as far as KDE is concerned, v. 4.x is where the new technology  
> will be. As Derek points out, app improvements are only being made to  
> the 4.x branches. Eventually when it works, we are going to be happy  
> to switch.

My personal adress is for help, not discouragement.

But I appreciate your opinion too.

What I want is an Intrepid technology, with a Gnome | Kde4 | Kde3 desktop.

( Remember, the desktop (any of them), access the underlying Intrepid-Linux layer. )

Having :
a Gnome Full scaled Version, 
a XCFE full scaled Version, 
a Kde4 Semi-operationnal version
and no Kde3 Full-Scale and Integrated and Complete/Proofed Version Of The Better Desktop I Ever Had in 30 Years, /* OUFFF */
to be integrated in the next Issue of my prefered distribution,
make me feel like the old days of slackware (Remember, 15 years ago, ./configure, make, make install)
when I had to reget, recompile, readapt, the packages on which I based my work,
just to find they no more even compile on the new system, and having to explain
to 25 customers, that it is the better system in the world, BUT we had to lose
this part... to get with that other part... Unless we mix those together,
and adapt here and there, to keep things working.....

from Dapper to Hardy, this was a natural upgrade, relatively safe, and straightforward.

Now, This is a No-Back_compatibility with wathever you currently use,
You just use the new one if available, or wait for it to become available...

and as many wrongly said in my opinion:
You can stay with an old Operating-System, If you dont want to change your desktop.

Don't be fooled.

Kde3 / XCFE / Gnome / Kde4   are all FOUR DIFFERENT DESKTOPS

Kde3 is a Totally different thing than Kde4...

Having both, compare them, you like one or the other...

Having One Incomplete and Instable system (In KDE) is an anti-choice.

Linux is choice, Open-source is choice, Ubuntu-family promote choice , ...

There is something I just dont understand here.
I program since 30 years, and I never obsoleted a version of a software I wrote
UNLESS the next version is better in ALL the uses. (if not, then the old stay 
available until the new version can REALLY replace it)

Now, what is the choice offered to the Kde3 user who likes ubuntu
because it stays current, but the current choice will be STAND-BACK
or be prepared for FEWER functionnality.

Hum!!!!!  a penny for your thoughts?

Martin Laberge
mlsoft at
30 Years of Unix Admin, and still learning...

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