Beta 8.10 released

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Wed Oct 8 20:36:34 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 08 October 2008 2:07:38 pm Brendan wrote:
> XP crashes on me once a day (in a VM at work, to schedule meetings in Lotus
> Notes) while KDE 4.1.2 hasn't crashed on me in a week, after the newest
> packages.

I can't believe that I am _defending_ XP.  That said, you have something 
really wrong if XP is crashing more than once every two months.  Honestly, I 
have an XP machine at my desk for support and testing, and though apps crash, 
I can't remember the last time the OS crashed.  Then again, I never use IE, 
and only use Outlook for testing.

On the other hand, I can't even use my mouse or center my video on Intrepid, 
and everytime I test the PPA version under Hardy, I don't see a compelling 
reason to use it for more than a quick look around.  Amarok and kmail crash 

These days, the main difference between maintaining an XP box and a Hardy box, 
is that I can usually fix problems on the Linux distros, owing to text based 
configuration files and the open nature.  With windows when something breaks, 
the only reasonable solution is usually reinstall.  This is basically due to 
the open vs. proprietary structure.  Linux tends to age well, windows does 
not.  A system needs reinstalled from scratch at least every two years.  But 
a fresh copy of Windows is basically as stable as a circa 2003 Linux distro.

These days, I use gparted and clonezilla with every Windows PC I build.  When 
(not if) windows dies, I just restore the build from the clonezilla backup.
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