Tried KDE 4.1.2

Richard S. Crawford rscrawford at
Wed Oct 8 18:47:53 UTC 2008

Well, I've been trying KDE 4 off and on.

Is it okay to just not like it? It's smooth enough and fast enough and
pretty enough, but there are a couple of things that irked me,
especially in the panel:

* I miss the Quicklaunch tool, and haven't been able to find a widget
like it for KDE 4. I know that I can drag program icons from the K
menu to the panel, but I have twelve programs listed in my Quicklaunch
tool, and twelve full-size icons on my KDE 4 panel just isn't going to

* I also miss the "Network Folders" icon and the "System Places" icon
on the panel. I haven't figured out how to replicate these functions
in KDE 4. And I really dislike the "folder view" widget. I prefer
having as clean a desktop as possible, and the "folder view" widget
just clutters it up.

If anyone can tell me how to replicate these two functions in KDE 4,
I'd love it. But until I can get these things working, they're pretty
much a deal breaker for me and KDE 4.

Richard S. Crawford (rscrawford at
Publisher and Editor in Chief, Daikaijuzine (

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