Beta 8.10 released

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Wed Oct 8 18:31:46 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 08 October 2008 2:23:42 pm Robert Parker wrote:
> Considering the relative ages of these two I should hope so !

Of course!  But it is true, nonetheless, and if I was selling hardware to the 
public and promising to support it for a year, I would not sell it with an 
environment as immature as KDE 4.  I think this is a good metaphor for why I 
wouldn't want to install KDE 4 on my own production machine.  Testing, yes, 
but production, no.  And I didn't think a release version of Kubuntu was 
supposed to be a testing version. 

I know Intrepid is still beta, but the release is just a few weeks away.
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