
Art Alexion art.alexion at
Wed Oct 8 18:18:15 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 08 October 2008 12:50:22 pm Scott wrote:
> Hi,
>      I just tried using a remote desktop for the first time using
> Krdc/Krfb and it was extremely slow.  It took about 10 minutes to start
> the session while the computer I was trying to connect to was at 100%
> CPU.  After the connection started the computer I was trying to connect
> to still had 100% CPU activity and the desktop was so slow that it was
> not usable.
>       Is this normal?  Do you need a ultra high end computer to use
> remote desktop?  The computer I tried to connect to was not brand new,
> but it was not slow either.  It had a AMD 64 2 Ghz chip and 1Gig RAM.

Not normal.  What OS on the remote machine.  Are you using the  VNC or RDC 
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