Beta 8.10 released

p.daniels teeahr1 at
Wed Oct 8 18:09:54 UTC 2008

On Wednesday October 8 2008 12:59:25 Art Alexion wrote:
> On Wednesday 08 October 2008 8:05:09 am Robert Parker 
> > On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 5:49 PM, Art Alexion 
<art.alexion at> wrote:
> > > Lisi,
> > >
> > > That is an excellent point about hardware manufacturers 
> > > Linux. It is a huge step forward in widespread Linux 
adoption and
> > > won't happen with unstable distros.
> >
> > Manufacturers also install Windows, the least stable distro 
of them all.
> I don't personally use windows or even own a Microsoft 
product, but I
> support about 20 windows 2003 servers and 300 windows 
XP desktops in my
> job.  I also have KDE 4 from the PPA on Hardy and a test 
install of
> Intrepid.  I can tell you that windows XP is much, much more 
stable than
> the current iteration of of KDE 4.

Robert was being facetious, but you're being disingenuous. You 
support these XP machines; I assume you were professionally 
trained to do so. You went to school (or at least took a class) to 
learn how to keep those things running.

Also, XP has been out now for God knows how many years. I 
hope it's more stable than KDE 4, or Microsoft should probably 
just fold their tents and be done with it. (OTOH, I've been 
running KDE4 since 4.0.0, and I have not once gotten a virus. 

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