Beta 8.10 released

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Mon Oct 6 15:25:52 UTC 2008

On Monday 06 October 2008 9:18:43 am Derek Broughton wrote:
> I'd attribute any problems _all_ to gmail.

And yet, kmail's gmail IMAP implementation is far superior to the following 
that I also use, depending on machine.

* Evolution (the virtual nature of the folders aren't recognized.  Deleting a 
message from kubuntu-users, doesn't also delete it from 
art.alexion at, Inbox and All Mail)

* Thunderbird (windows) (Who can live without highlight to quote after using 
kmail or evolution)

* (iTouch) (No copy and paste, or highlight to delete on the iTouch.  
Can't empty trash.  No threading on the iTouch.)

* VersaMail (PalmOS) (15 folder limitation.  Flakey on retrieval.  Just not 

For me everything works on kmail 1.9.10 (though 1.9.9 seemed a lot more stable 
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