Beta 8.10 released

Steve Lamb grey at
Sun Oct 5 23:13:25 UTC 2008

Bruce Marshall wrote:
> If you have enough spare disk space to run VirtualBox, a better solution
> might be to carve out new partitions for the test system (8.10 in ths case)

    This is not true.  There is no such thing as a sparse partition.  There is
such a thing as a sparse file.  On my WinXP machine where I do use VBox I've
told it it has an 8Gb drive.  The file on the machine is 5.5Gb.  The other
2.5Gb are free for other uses and will be grown into if and when they are
needed.  If I repartitioned this machine (which is something I cannot do) then
that 2.5Gb would be lost to WinXP.

    Also there is the technical level involved.  Installing VBox and getting
it running is far safer than repartitioning a hard drive.  Mess up a VBox
install you're just frustrated.  Mess up repartitioning the hard drive and
you're frustrated and out all your data.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who can decide what they dream
       PGP Key: 1FC01004       |      and dream I do

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