Beta 8.10 released

Knapp magick.crow at
Sat Oct 4 20:07:25 UTC 2008

> If you don't like 4, stick with 3, it's in the repos. 4 is ready, and to
> make sure it is, I have already filed over 30 bugs in the past few weeks.
> Some have already gotten addressed, and some are being triaged. Why not help
> instead of complaining? Yes, I know, you want something that just works,
> blah blah, but I want my hair back. Horses, beggars, etc.

Your hair is gone but kde 3 is not and is an option, if someone had
wanted to do it. I hope 4 works out for them. I think talking much
more about this is rather pointless. October 30 we will see what

I find it rather interesting how aggressive a lot of the pro kde 4
only people are in their writing. I wonder why?

Douglas E Knapp

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