Beta 8.10 released

Steve Lamb grey at
Fri Oct 3 09:55:20 UTC 2008

Valter Mura wrote:
> But my question is: what about the old machines like mine? I have a P IV
> 32bit 2.8 Ghz with 768 MB of RAM, and a video card of 128 MB, and on KDE
> 3.5.10 is quite stable.

> If I attempt an upgrade, will it work? This is my fear, Intrepid will ship
>  only KDE 4.

    My game machine (the one with the funky color combo) is an AMD 2800+
(comparable to the P4 2.8Ghz), 2Gb of RAM and a 128Mb video card.  4.1.1 is
perfectly fine on it.  Well, compiz-decorator doesn't start up for some reason
but I am not impressed by compiz enough to leave it on more than 5-6 minutes
at a time.  The rest of it is smooth and sweet.

    Admittedly, 3.5.10 is more stable and just as snappy; it's just that 4.1.1
isn't such a huge leap that performance wise you'll notice a difference.

    One of these days I'll have to throw KDE4 on my 10-year-old, 256MB, PIII
<1Ghz laptop to see how it runs.  3.5.10 works fine on it as long as you're
judicious as to what applications you open in conjunction with one another.  ;)

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who can decide what they dream
       PGP Key: 1FC01004       |      and dream I do

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