How do I format a thumb drive in Kubuntu Hardy KDE 3.5.9

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Thu Oct 2 10:05:16 UTC 2008

2008/10/2 Steven Vollom <stevenvollom at>:
> Meti info says that the thumb drive has only 25% of 1gb remaining;
> Dolphin says the drive is empty.  Apparently it is nearly full, because
> when I try to put a 700mb file in it, it says it does not have room for
> it.  TIA for any help.
> Steven

You can use the disk free "df -h" console command to see how much
space you have on your mounted disks.
And you can use the disk usage "du -sh /somedir" command to see how
much space recursively that directories take up.

/ Jonas

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