KOffice vs. OpenOffice

Mike L mike.lvc06 at centrenet.co.uk
Wed Oct 1 21:21:25 UTC 2008

Ignazio Palmisano wrote:
> Steve Lamb wrote:
>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>> Art Alexion wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday 30 September 2008 10:50:11 am Derek Broughton wrote:
>>>>>> On Monday 29 September 2008 8:12:53 am Derek Broughton wrote:
>>>>> As I detailed elsewhere - a 93 byte .csv on my own system took 95 seconds
>>> Well, it was 95 seconds _with_ OO already open, but I'm not sure if it would
>>> be slower from scratch.
>>     Then there is something seriously wrong with your system.  My machine is
>> old.  An AMD 2800+ admittedly OCed to 3200+, 2Gb of 2700 RAM and a 200Gb Sata
>> drive.  I built this machine 5 years ago.  To open oowriter, navigate to my
>> 17pg. document and open it, less than a minute.  The document itself was
>> opened almost instantly.  I don't happen to have a 93 byte .csv to test with.
>>  However, I have used OOCalc a bit for some of my gaming.  The resulting
>> spreadsheets were a tad larger than 93 bytes.  ;)

This appears very strange, on my old 'test bed' a 500 meg Athlon with 
256 ram, OOwriter 2.4 opens in 40secs and displays a 20pg doc in a 
further 7 secs.

Mike L

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