Kubuntu Hardy won't play .bin movie?

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 30 19:18:24 UTC 2008

Octavian Florea wrote:
> On 11/29/2008 07:01 PM, Steven Vollom wrote:
>> I am previewing a movie for my grandbabies.  It is a Nancy Drew
>> Mystery.  I is a Rar file that has a file association of .bin.  I
>> Googled for the correct player which was Helix.  I installed but the
>> player does not work.  It suggests it is missing  bin  .  Can't find a
>> missing dependency.
>> Steven
> Just to make sure, are you certain that it is a video file? Since rar 
> seas it as an archive, couldn't it by any chance be a disk image? Does 
> it come with an accompanying .cue file?
> Because then you'll just have to mount it and play it like any cd / dvd.
I downloaded it from a torrent source, like Mininova.  I don't remember 
which.  It was different from all other rar's I downloaded, in that, 
after Kate opens it, it is shown as a .bin.  As I recall, they usually 
show as .avi files.  When I attempt to open it, I get a choice of 
players; I choose Helix, because it is the one that said it could play 
.bin's.  I don't understand this any more than I appear to understand.  


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