Web email

nepal nepal.roade at googlemail.com
Sun Nov 30 19:10:12 UTC 2008

On Sunday 30 Nov 2008, Neil Winchurst wrote:
> I will be away on holiday soon for about three weeks. I
> am wondering about setting up some sort of web based
> email so that I can be contacted while I am away.
> Any recommendations please? I know about yahoo mail but
> there must be better ones. I have already looked at a
> few, including squirrelmail and atmail. But it is always
> better to rely on help from list members rather than to
> go by what I find through Google.
> Thanks
> Neil Winchurst

I find googlemail works perfectly, I post to this list with 
it, but have it set up in KMail. I could just as easily 
access all the mail via the google web interface if I were 
away from my computer for some time. Damn, it is even more 
reliable than the mail (lack of) service provided by my ISP 
which is no end of trouble. I can send you an invite if you 
wish to make it easier.


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