Why use a virtual machine? **RESOLVED** What I wanted to know, was answered. I am not interested anymore. THANKS TO ALL

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 30 19:08:26 UTC 2008

Constantinos Maltezos wrote:
> On Saturday 29 November 2008 9:33:31 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
> <snip>
>> I had two motivations in this post; neither are something I am proud of.
>> I wanted a way to avoid giving Microsoft any more money and still use
>> what I wanted from them.  Additionally, I wanted to download a movie I
>> didn't pay for.  Neither reason is worthy of publishing.
> <snip>
> I don't judge you for those.  I don't do them (I used to), but I can 
> understand some reasoning behind doing the things you mention.  However, 
> please allow me to encourage you (if you're not doing this already) and anyone 
> else interested to at the very least check out alternative sources.  You're 
> already using Linux and, by your act of asking questions and making 
> suggestions, contributing, so that's a good thing.  However, there is music 
> and other art released under the Creative Commons or similar licensing and 
> some of it is very good.  Movies cost a lot to make, but some of the best 
> movies are made independently of the big studios and are more worthy of 
> handing over a little of your hard-earned money for.  And I can guarantee you 
> that somewhere in your area, there's a group of amateur actors and film crew 
> hopefuls making little films that will show in an art house for free.  And if 
> you want to see something neat and also free, search the web for the 48 Hour 
> Film Project.  It's a contest where a group of people who are interested in 
> trying it get together and are given 48 hours to write, rehearse and film a 
> short.  Go through the winners - they are only a few minutes long each and 
> amazing.  (And as a theatre person, I have to mention that community theatre 
> can be fun and fairly cheap and much more intimate than a movie.)
> Anyway, I wonder if you misunderstood me in my previous message.  I only meant 
> that a thread we start can take life even when we're through with it and 
> others can learn from it.
Thank you.  I did understand you.  It was a while past when someone 
mentioned my post using up a bit too much List space.  I only want to 
contribute, along with receive necessary help, I do not want to change 
or disrupt the List.  Since that instruction, I have tried to do as 
suggested and post a resolved when my question was answered 
satisfactorily.  I guess perhaps I don't understand when I should post 
**Resolved**.  I have noticed this last entry on why virtual machine 
have a life after   ** RESOLVED **.  I actually love the extra 
information.  I am just trying to make sure I fit in.  I appreciate your 
comments and understanding in the matter.  I just love this forum.

Cudos, Cheers!, Ciao Bello, and Cordially,


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