Why use a virtual machine?

nepal nepal.roade at googlemail.com
Sun Nov 30 19:02:32 UTC 2008

On Sunday 30 Nov 2008, Paul Rumelhart wrote:
> The latest version of VMWare Player has support for
> DirectX 9.  It's slow, but it does work.  Your old Win 95
> games would probably work OK, but you're not going to be
> able to play Crysis on it.

I've no idea what Crysis is so that is not a problem.

The two games I want to play are AvP I and SegaRallye 2.
Both need decent 3d acceleration to be playable, but I may 
initially try wine which I haven't done in a long while, 
see how that goes first. To go the VM route I think I would 
need to up my RAM which is presently only 512mb.


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