Why use a virtual machine? **RESOLVED**

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Sun Nov 30 14:48:08 UTC 2008

On Sunday, 30 November 2008 16:31:15 Gene Heskett wrote:
> Whatever
> became of the sudo that was good for 10 minutes anyway?

We see these sudo threads quite often; the solution I use for permanent sudo 
is to:
sudo -i
(That's sudo dash i-as-in-lower-case-eye)
I keep a konsole tab open with this all the time! It never fails.

(I think of it as sudo -i-want-root-all-the-time-damnit!)

"Unifying this world would take an alien invasion, and that would last just 
long enough for us to start losing badly against their superior technology, 
after which there would be an awe-inspiring race to stab each other in the 
back to curry favor with our new alien overlords. Face it, there's only so 
much you can do with a bunch of aggressive, paranoid primates no matter how 
smart they are."
-- Angst Badger /.

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