Why use a virtual machine?
Martin Laberge
mlsoft at videotron.ca
Sun Nov 30 01:09:27 UTC 2008
On Saturday 29 November 2008 19:56:53 Martin Laberge wrote:
> On Saturday 29 November 2008 18:41:52 Steven Vollom wrote:
> > I have been reading for a couple of hours trying to understand the
> > function of a virtual machine, and how to make it work. I even
> > installed VirtualBox, but can't get it working yet.
> >
> > When you operate using a virtual system, does it function the same as
> > using the program, like Win XP?
> > When operating it, can you make things function, like play a .bin movie
> > that won't play in Hardy?
> > Do you have to purchase a copy of Windows XP to install in the
> > VirtualMachine or how do you get it in your computer? I am not willing
> > to pay any more money to Microsoft; I have been abused by them.
> > Nonetheless, there are things that I cannot do, because of not having XP
> > anymore.
> >
> > These questions are on the front side of my interest in Virtual Box.
> > None are answered in my first two hours of study. At least they were
> > not explained in a way I could understand. It seems like the answers I
> > want are assumed by the author. I am even reading about advanced
> > benefits and alternative uses, and I still do not know if what I want is
> > available.
> >
> > There are so many ways I am lacking in my understanding of the operation
> > of a Linux system, I don't want to waste my study time on a subject that
> > doesn't serve a need. It looks like I could read for days without my
> > question being addressed, if ever.
> >
> > Additionally, if you are required to purchase a copy of XP to install
> > into the virtual machine, what is the advantage of that over a dual boot
> > system that has XP as an alternate boot? Before I will ever purchase
> > another Microsoft product, I will go without, rather than purchase from
> > them. TIA
> >
> > Steven
> >
> A virtual machine is a VIRTUAL .... MACHINE
> (a separate computer, with bios, rom, ram, disks, cdrom-drive, floppy, ...)
> Yes, a virtual MACHINE.
> you just start virtualbox, create a NEW virtual machine,
> and an assistant ask you how-much mem/disk/... you want in that machine,
> at the end, it creates the virtual machine as a BIG file on your disk,
> (a file as big as the disk + mem you created)
> and a file containing the machine bios information, and others.
> while creating the machine, you are asked which type of operating
> system you want to install in that machine, then answer the right one , Win-XP
> or wathever kind of system you intend to install in this machine
> like linux-2.4, Linux-2.6, ... (to fine-tune the machine to the OS)
> then, your virtual machine is created.
> just point at it, and boot it. (with start)
> (you then boot a totally clean machine with nothing on disk)
> insert the operating system cdrom you want to install and you own.
> boot on this cdrom, and install your os in the machine.
> remove cdrom, reboot the newly installed machine.
> ........
> Now! WHY a virtual machine.
> You may want to test an insecure os, but do not want to reformat
> your perfectly functionning system and you do not have
> a spare machine to do the test. (create a machine, test in this machine)
> You may want to use another system (ex: Win-XP) ocasionnaly, but
> do not want to reboot each time to use it. (Just click on it, and use, then close)
> (all this without stopping any of your existing tasks you're doing now)
> You may want to see how well do the next version of your preferred
> system (ex: kubuntu) is running, without disturbing your stable system.
> You may want ... something else.
> OK, Now, Imagine...
> --
> Martin Laberge
> mlsoft at videotron.ca
> Tel:(418)521-6823
> 30 Years of Unix Admin, and still learning...
I forgot to say, Yes you can use your existing Win-XP in the virtual machine,
(using the same install disk, as your original. it is like reinstalling
in another partition on the same machine)
and yes you can play with it anything you would on a real machine.
Martin Laberge
mlsoft at videotron.ca
30 Years of Unix Admin, and still learning...
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