Resolution switching back to 1024x768

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Sat Nov 29 22:45:43 UTC 2008

On Thursday 27 November 2008 14:22:45 Herman Holmström wrote:
> Whenever I start up Kubuntu my resolution is 1024x768 and I need to open
> System Settings > Display for it to change to 1280x1024 (the resolution I
> want). I only need to open display settings for it to switch, so it IS set
> to 1280x1024. Also, this alone, while annoying, is not that bad, but my PC
> freezes 50% of the times I switch resolution in Kubuntu. Are these known
> issues, or do I need to do something that.. I haven't done?

I have a similar problem which I had chalked up to the kvm switch because it 
plagued multiple distros, versions, and even a WinXP box. Kubuntu Feisty 
through Hardy, and Hardy kdm4, Ubuntu Gutsy through Intrepid.  Three 
different boxes, different graphics cards, etc.  The only thing they all 
share is the kvm switch.

I find that if the resolution is wrong in kdm/gdm, ctrl+alt+backspace makes it 
come back when X restarts.  (No such thing in Windows, unfortunately.)  I 
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