web radio

Art Alexion art.alexion at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 20:18:21 UTC 2008

On Friday 28 November 2008 13:11:24 Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> I would like to record this stream.
> http://www.falconradio.org/
> When I open the live stream, totem (crazy, but it is totem on kubuntu!!)
> opens the stream and plays the music nicely.
> Problem: I would like to record the stream to harddisk.
> I tried with totem to record it, but did not find an option or a
> commandline parameter for this.
> Also tried with vlc, kmplayer, xine, kaffeine, dragon and mplayer
> None of these could even play the stream.

man mplayer
man mencoder
sudo aptitude install audacity
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