kde 4 hotkeys in intrepid
Jonas Norlander
jonorland at gmail.com
Thu Nov 27 20:38:27 UTC 2008
2008/11/27 Jimmy Stewpot <mailers at oranged.to>:
> Jonas Norlander wrote:
>> 2008/11/27 Jimmy Stewpot <mailers at oranged.to>:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have recently updated my kubuntu install to include the 4.1.3 packages
>>> from Updates. Since installing these packages my hotkeys no longer
>>> work. for example I have the view desktop grid set as CTRL + TAB and its
>>> shown in the hotkeys as being set but when I attempt to use it nothing
>>> happens. The only hotkey that appears to work is to view the dashboard.
>>> Has anyone else had similar problems?
>>> Regards,
>>> Jimmy
>> Khotkeys in KDE4 is broken. Dont try to use it or you may end up with
>> the other keyboard shortkeys stop working to. It happened to me and
>> only the solution was to delete the config files so it would
>> regenerate a new default settings.
>> Search this mail-list or KDE bugs for more info.
>> / Jonas
> Thanks for your response. Which config files should I delete the ones
> for khotkeys or something else?
> Regards,
> Jimmy.
~/.kde/share/config/kglobalshortcutrc is one and it should be one more
but i don't remember its name, perhaps khotkeysrc but i don't have
/ Jonas
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