kde 4 hotkeys in intrepid

Jonas Norlander jonorland at gmail.com
Thu Nov 27 12:13:15 UTC 2008

2008/11/27 Jimmy Stewpot <mailers at oranged.to>:
> Hello,
> I have recently updated my kubuntu install to include the 4.1.3 packages
>  from Updates. Since installing these packages my hotkeys no longer
> work. for example I have the view desktop grid set as CTRL + TAB and its
> shown in the hotkeys as being set but when I attempt to use it nothing
> happens. The only hotkey that appears to work is to view the dashboard.
> Has anyone else had similar problems?
> Regards,
> Jimmy

Khotkeys in KDE4 is broken. Dont try to use it or you may end up with
the other keyboard shortkeys stop working to. It happened to me and
only the solution was to delete the config files so it would
regenerate a new default settings.

Search this mail-list or KDE bugs for more info.

/ Jonas

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