disk erase of dual boot system

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at gmx.de
Wed Nov 26 20:25:22 UTC 2008

Geoffrey Bays wrote:
> Eberhard:
> I do intend for the new 8.10 install to take up the entire disk. Does
> the installer by default set up two or three partitions?
> Swap plus one or swap plus two?
> I suspect the defaults will do fine, but then I have never attempted
> to optimize the partitions myself.

afaik swap + one. I would AT THE VERY LEAST reject this proposal and 
have a separated /home. This will greatly simplify the upgrade to the 
versions that will be relased within the next 4 years. ;-), since if you 
do not 2 want to upgrade or if something goes terribly wrong, you can 
always do a new install from scratch, while your /home stays, where it 
ever was.

Furthermore, if you are planning for servers or anything else, you 
should do the appropriate steps for what you plan at partitioning time.

Kind regards

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