package managers

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Wed Nov 26 15:36:28 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 26 November 2008 10:16:13 am Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Wednesday 26 November 2008, Art Alexion wrote:
> > I don't think you have any problems mixing the package manager gui
> > programs.  You shouldn't mix apt-get and aptitude, but I think the
> > guis all use the same back end.
> >
> > Can someone please confirm this and tell me whether the back end is
> > apti-get or aptitude.
> I use all four....  aptitude, synaptic, apt-get, and adept  without
> problems.
> I believe they all resolve down to   dpkg  at their depths....

Yes, and no.  Aptitude handles dependencies differently than apt-get, so 
removal is cleaner.  There are other differences with regard to the handling 
of recommended packages and so forth.  Google "aptitude vs. apt-get" for 
more.  Using apt-get and aptitude won't hurt anything, but every time you use 
apt-get instead of aptitude, you will not store the extended information for 
that package.

What I don't know is whether adept and synaptic store the apt-get info, the 
aptitude info, or something altogether different.

Sometimes I use synaptic to search packages because it is a single step to 
find and get info as opposed to aptitude search or aptitude show.  But I let 
aptitude to handle the actual installation.  I'd love to know if this is 
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