The Rise of KDE 4 and 8.10

Cristóvão Sousa crisjss at
Wed Nov 26 13:06:35 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 19 November 2008 02:20:38 lindsay.mathieson at wrote:
> Seeing as everyone else has thought I'd chime in with my HO. Personally I'm
> loving KDE 4 and Intrepid. Have been trialling KDE4 since 8.04 but now am
> using it full time. There were some thing I initially really disliked - the
> new Menu, Dolphin, but now I've figured out the way they work and how to
> customise them I'm delighted - very usable and quite productive. I use
> Dolphin all the time for managing my files both locally and remotely on my
> MythBox.
> Don't get all the hate and honestly, someone posts a whine on some obscure
> Google blog? the "Fall of KDE"? please, get a grip and some perspective.
> So a big thanks to the KDE developers and the Kubuntu maintainers, I think
> you made the right choices and are doing a great job, kudos to you. I'm
> really excited about the new directions for KDE and Kubuntu.
> --
> Lindsay Mathieson

I'm using KDE4 at Intrepid too.

Kontact and Kopete used to crash, but with updates not anymore.
Nepomuk slows down Dolphin so I turned it off.

I use KDE 3 in a public machine but I prefer KDE4 of my laptop :)

After all it's a much harder to crash Kubuntu than I used to do so in Windows.

Cristóvão Sousa

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