Some Mounting information seems missing?

Nils Kassube kassube at
Wed Nov 26 09:44:52 UTC 2008

Steven Vollom wrote:
> Nils Kassube wrote:
> > Willy Hamra wrote:
> >> dear Nils, I'm not on my computer right now, but if i'm not
> >> mistaken, when he clicks modify, there'san option there to
> >> automatically mount the partition. if he checks this option, this
> >> should create an fstab entry for his partition.
> >
> > That's correct - why didn't I see that option before?
> Do you mean, when I click on modify, highlight the partition then
> Enable, it is mounting the partition?

Yes, and if you follow what Willy suggested it will be mounted 
automatically at startup, i.e. highlight the sdb5 partition and click 
the "Modify ..." button. Then check the "Enable at start up" box and 
click OK. Then click the "Enable" button. Now the partition should be 
mounted at boot time already.


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