Finally I am happy!

Hakan Koseoglu hakan.koseoglu at
Tue Nov 25 17:28:10 UTC 2008

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 5:07 PM, Art Alexion <art.alexion at> wrote:
> Did you install the ubuntu-eee remix and then just kubuntu-desktop, or did you
> just install the standard kubuntu?
I didn't have much success with my USB stick so eventually I gave up
on Ubuntu-eee remix (do they have 8.10 out yet?). I quickly set up a
bootp server and installed kubuntu over the net, then added interprid repo by hand and installed the Eee kernel from
there. After that the last thing to tinker with was moving the home to
the SD card and loading Skype + the rest of the software I want to
have (gcc, Sun JDK etc.) and now I have a
fully-featured-fit-in-my-large-pocket-development and audio
editing/recording kit. I still have to do the RT kernels for audio
stuff but it'd do fine for what I use this (mainly writing, dirty
coding and podcast recording).

> I have been wanting to install kde on my eee, but didn't want to sacrifice the
> specially tuned stuff.
Well.. I have been using the Xandros kernel since I got it in late
Jan. I have to say after setting up the power mgt, I'm sure that I'm
using significantly less battery. The CPU scaling works and it idles
nicely at 112.5MHz and when I'm using it goes upto 900MHz w/o any
tinkering. Sweet.

10400mAh battery is on its way so this little thing will continue to
be my main mobile laptop.

Hakan (m1fcj) -

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