The fall of KDE?

Girard Henri girardhenri at
Tue Nov 25 14:28:20 UTC 2008

try kde-4.2 ... and you will be surprised how it is !


Le mardi 25 novembre 2008 à 09:14 -0500, Sarunas Burdulis a écrit :
> Hash: SHA1
> nepal wrote:
> >> so I going to try to remove it and put back all the other
> >> files it took away individually afterwords but It worked
> >> fine to remove it completely!  I didn't have to downgrade
> >> to Gnome!!  IF that program is made a mandatory part of
> >> KDE, KDE and I will part company.  As it is I am staying
> >> with 8.04 till either KDE4 gets repaired or until Gnome
> >> gets good enough to use.  
> > 
> > Gnome is something else I never liked too, perhaps it is 
> > time to give that another look, but I don't like the menus, 
> > and really really really don't like the file manager, is it 
> > Nautilus?
> > 
> Ever since the "fall of KDE" I'm mostly using Gnome and I was pleasantly
> surprised how much it has improved (in its default settings in Ubuntu at
> least).
> KDE4 should really have been NDE (new desktop environment) or something
> as it is mostly written from scratch. Supposedly that would have allowed
> KDE3.5 to coexist.
> Sarunas
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