How do I copy contents of a URL into Open Office?

pwpatter pwpatter at
Tue Nov 25 04:33:47 UTC 2008

Steven Vollom wrote:
> Jerry Lapham wrote:
>> On Sunday 23 November 2008 4:27:40 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
>>> How can I copy and paste from a Konqueror site to a .otd or .doc page
>>> without just copying a web address?  TIA.
>> Hold down the left mouse button and drag over the content you want to copy so 
>> that it is highlighted.  Then go to the file you want to put it in and click 
>> the middle button (probably the scroll wheel) to paste it into your .otd 
>> or .doc page.
>> 	-Jerry
> Hi Jerry,
> My mouse is a Microsoft cordless optical mouse with a center wheel that 
> cannot be depressed.  Is there a different option for this type of mouse?
> Thanks!
> Steven
With opera, not sure about other browsers, file=save
as text.


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