Password question.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Mon Nov 24 23:44:27 UTC 2008

Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Monday 24 November 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
>> I tried.  I had the same problem I did last installation.  If I could, I
>> would like to go back to 'em'  even my 8 unit password is a problem,
>> even though I can remember it.  My memory is not so good anymore.  It
>> doesn't make any sense that I can remember the passwords I have.  For
>> some reason I can.  I can remember my soc sec #.  I can remember my 3
>> year old Drivers License #.  It is new memories that escape me.  However
>> now that I entered the 37 into the system it will not allow me to go
>> back to an easy one that I don't have trouble with.  Nils doesn't think
>> I need to format either, but this is where I was the last time I tried
>> to solve this problem, and I had to reinstall to solve it. It is so
>> embarrassing when I have to openly admit my shortcomings.  My memory
>> seems to be selective anymore and memorizing new things is a huge
>> labor.  I have been making much progress this past week, because
>> something has changed, and I am absorbing more right now.   Do you think
>> I would have used a two letter password if it wasn't pretty necessary.  
>> It is 2 or 8 or 37.  Any 2 will do, but that's it.  Please don't be
>> concerned.  I will figure something out.
> Steven:
> I don't know how you got  two passwords to work....   your 37  and 'em'  but 
> in my view it is impossible unless you are doing something you're know really 
> conveying to us.
They were not in my machine at the same time.  To get em accepted, just 
make a fresh install.  When they ask for a password, type in em.  It 
will recommend change and ask you if you really want to.  You say yes 
and your are finished.  I love that password.  My little 
Emmalammadingdong, Emmalie, Emma, Em  my most precious youngest grandbaby.

As far as the 37, it resisted and told me many machines wouldn't accept 
it, I insisted, and it took.  I really think this is stupid.  My new 
password would make anyone with a sense of humor laugh.  Something that 
easy cannot be much safer than em.

Now I have a root password and don't really know where or how I can use 
it.  If my user password will enter the machine at boot, if I type Root 
for user and my root password, will it work to open the machine?  Never 
felt I needed to be protected, and now I am in the middle of paranoia to 
the extreme.  Go figure.  Bruce I still love you.  Don't give up on me.  
You probably can see I am happy again.

Cudos, Cheers! Ciao Bello, and Cordially, with Mucho Smoochos to MaMa,

> What you are trying to do (have two levels of security for the same user 
> (steven), is not possible to my knowledge.....
> Pick a reasonable password (even 87654321 would work) and live with it.

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