Password question.

Nils Kassube kassube at
Mon Nov 24 21:16:14 UTC 2008

Steven Vollom wrote:
> Bruce Marshall wrote:
> > On Monday 24 November 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
> >> When I changed my password this morning, I opened SystemSettings>
> >> AboutMe, and changed my password.  I assume that is the root
> >> password.
> >
> > NO!!
> What do I do now.  Can I get into Adept Package Manager?  Can I get
> into my computer if I shut it off?  Can I reverse what happened when I
> tried xhost +?  With help can I get back to 'em' as my password?  Or do
> I have to format and reinstall?

Either you have changed your own password or the one for root. If I 
understand it right what you wrote, you now have either the 37 character 
password or "em" for root and / or yourself.

And just loosing the password is no reason to reinstall. Use the recovery 
mode of the grub menu and then you can get a root shell to set a new 
password: <>


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