Password question.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Mon Nov 24 20:24:27 UTC 2008

Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Monday 24 November 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
>>>> I changed my login password to the nightmare.  Then I typed in a
>>>> terminal xhost +, next I typed in su, then I typed in em, because that
>>>> was my password for the terminal, It did not accept it.  I reentered
>>>> xhost + and got the following:
>>>> steven at Studio25:~$ xhost +
>>>> access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
>>>> steven at Studio25:~$
>>>> I did not get a chance to type in the new Login password, which I
>>>> suppose it wanted.
>>>> Did I just make a terminal mistake?  in the worst sense.
>>> Have you set a root passwd yet?
>> yes
> After the 'su', did you type in the passwd you set for root?
> And what do you mean by 'then I typed in em, because that
>>>> was my password for the terminal'?
To me, Terminal is the same as Shell is the same as Root shell excepting 
for password.  Is that not right?

I am sorry, I didn't answer this question.  I take everything written at 
its face value. 
My understanding was there is a difference between user and root.  I 
have always been referred to steven and user.  I never thought about my 
being the only one on my computer so that perhaps my password was root.  
I just always chose 'em' for any password needed within my computer to 
make it easier.  I have always wanted to have a more difficult Login 
password, but I need my computer like Feisty.  I could do things with my 
Root Shell without a password.  I lost that in Gutsy, so in Hardy, when 
I installed the new OS, I used 'em' for my Login password, and things 
have been insecure, but fine for me.  I never thought losing the end of 
one finger could cause so much problems.  I had to relearn to make 
pottery,  Painting changed with loss of controll, typing has been filled 
with errors, it is much more difficult to open a jar, it hasn't been fun.
> What 'terminal' and why did it need a password? 
To get me into root.
>   Aren't we talking about a 
> Konsole window under KDE???
I think Konsole was one of the ways Feisty used for an option to open a 
shell or terminal.
>     It should not need a password just to get the 
> window.
When I want to type in instructions in a shell or konsole or terminal, I 
do not see the difference.  Only Root shell is different to me.  Don't 
they all have steven at Studio25~$ on the command line.  I am not so 
familiar with the term konsole yet.  I open things by their picture.  I 
am visually instructed  right-brain only for 60 years.  I am currently 
learning the logical way to think.  When I look at a desk full of 
papers, my mind is more like a camera that a deducing machine.  It has 
taken me years to just get to the beginning stages of understanding 
people like you who are left-brained and logical.  I have had a hundred 
breakthroughs in the last couple of weeks.  That is why I am always so 
excited, but I don't have the ability to express myself in terms that 
logical thinkers can grasp.  It is why I call myself stupid, but their 
are a countless number of things that I can do without concentrating 
that computer gurus can't understand no matter how hard I try to explain 
it.  Think of me as Robinson Caruso without Friday.  I have only had 
right brain activity for 60 years.  Am I stupid, I am not sure.  I can 
do many things you can't.  I can understand concepts at a glance.  I can 
fix complex problems that others are unable to do effortlessly because I 
see things in their complete state, their weaknesses glare out at me.  
At a glance, I can fix things, smarter people and me never can figure 
out.  It is a little frustrating, but I manage.  It has made friendships 
difficult all my life.  This List has been my happiest time, because 
although I know I appear pretty stupid, you all seem to like helping 
me.  And when you address the things I think I need to know, I move 
ahead very fast.  Please don't give up on me; you will never appreciate 
how far you all have brought me in a week.

It wasn't until I could picture in my mind a file cabinet that I could 
understand the document, folder, thing.  When I did visualized that, 
Windows became pretty easy to me.  Now that I am older, my memory is 
failing me.  It is very difficult to remember the acronyms and 
abbreviations that are prevalent, recently I notice that that is what 
much of the code is.  mkdir  make directory, until I noticed that, akdir 
was a complicated picture with chaotic changes of direction, no line 
harmony.  It wouldn't take me 5 seconds to improve its beauty.  I bet I 
could create a language for artists that understandable because of its 
balance, harmony, beauty, and 'logical' appearance for what it 
represents.  Binary is completely unthinkable for me.

I will never give up.

Cudos, Cheers!, Caio Bello and Cordially,

>    That is where you should be issuing the 'xhost +'  and the  'su'

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