Password question.

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Mon Nov 24 20:10:24 UTC 2008

On Monday 24 November 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
> When I reset my password this morning, I opened System Settings>AboutMe
> and changed my password from 'em' to
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.  I thought steven was a user and
> that entry was for root user.  Oops!  I also used 'em' for Adept Package
> Manager and Synaptic.  I usually use those packages to install, upgrade,
> etc.  whatever else they may do.
> I definately wanted 'em' as my password for those occasions still if any
> password at all.

'steven' is your 'normal' user....    but in the kubuntu world, it also is a 
priviledged user.   It is NOT root.

In a normal kubuntu install, there is only ONE password - - that of 
the 'normal' user.  There are no extra passwords for adept or synaptic, just 
that of the normal user.

ONLY ONE PASSWORD in a normal kubuntu system with one user.

What I was suggesting was that you also set a password for 'root', using the 
procedure I have outlined.

That password can be used to get to a konsole window for root.   

But if you can't grasp that, I think you should let it rest for now.  You have 
much else to learn without wasting a lot of time on this.

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