Password question.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Mon Nov 24 19:53:43 UTC 2008

Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Monday 24 November 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
>>>> I changed my login password to the nightmare.  Then I typed in a
>>>> terminal xhost +, next I typed in su, then I typed in em, because that
>>>> was my password for the terminal, It did not accept it.  I reentered
>>>> xhost + and got the following:
>>>> steven at Studio25:~$ xhost +
>>>> access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
>>>> steven at Studio25:~$
>>>> I did not get a chance to type in the new Login password, which I
>>>> suppose it wanted.
>>>> Did I just make a terminal mistake?  in the worst sense.
>>> Have you set a root passwd yet?
>> yes
> After the 'su', did you type in the passwd you set for root?
> And what do you mean by 'then I typed in em, because that
>>>> was my password for the terminal'?
> What 'terminal' and why did it need a password?   Aren't we talking about a 
> Konsole window under KDE???    It should not need a password just to get the 
> window.   That is where you should be issuing the 'xhost +'  and the  'su'
When I changed my password this morning, I opened SystemSettings>
AboutMe, and changed my password.  I assume that is the root password.

I changed it from 'em' to the 37 unit nightmare.  Then I typed xhost + 
then su em
which was the password I use for Root entry.  It was rejected and 
provided an opportunity to type again.  I typed the new password, with 
errors, I am sure, because when it rejected that, it came up with the 
printout I sent each time I tried to access xhost +.  Then I wrote you.

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