Password question.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Mon Nov 24 16:53:07 UTC 2008

David Fletcher wrote:
> On Monday 24 November 2008 15:56:40 Bruce Marshall wrote:
>> On Monday 24 November 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
>>> First, I can change my Login password to 37 characters.  Then I set a
>>> password for root.  Is that what the above says?
>> Then I can't help you and what you want I don't think is smart.  And.....
>> what I am proposing is not that much tougher than what you want.
> Just a thought...
> Is it possible to do the same trick that I use across the network, of putting 
> my ssh public key into the authorized_keys file of an account on another 
> host, so that I can log in without giving the password? Only, in Steven's 
> case, putting it into root's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
> The plan being that Steven logs in with his horrible password, starts a 
> konsole, and becomes root using ssh root at localhost. I've never tried this 
> myself, but using the administrator account with sudo to copy the public key, 
> it is probably possible to enable a root login without setting a root 
> password at all.
> Dave
Dear Dave,

I have the problem solved.  And your post is way over my head. You guys 
are so great, you have me laughing continually.  It is almost sinful to 
have this much fun. 

I am changing my Login password to that 37 digit one, then opening a 
terminal and typing in sudo -i.  Apparently that makes my terminal 
password free, I am hoping in a GUI.  Do you know if that is sufficient 
to make my Root terminal free from needing a password?  I would like to 
identify the terminal as Root Terminal, so I give it proper respect.

Is your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file idea similar.  How do I find the 
terminal when I want to use it?  Most of the time I will be in the GUI.  
At least until I learn more about commands.  So it would be nice if I 
had an Icon short-cut that was identified as Root Shell, so that I 
didn't confuse it with a regular Shell.  Remember I have to protect 
myself from my own intellectual limitations.

Cheers! Ciao Belo, and Cordially,


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