Cell phone as modem

Aspersieman aspersieman at gmail.com
Mon Nov 24 07:23:03 UTC 2008

On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 16:06:29 +0200, Art Alexion <art.alexion at gmail.com>  

> I would like to try using my Palm Centro (EVDO) as a modem for
> internet access on my netbook when I am not near WiFi or a wired
> connection?  Has anyone succeeded in this with Kubuntu?

Howdy Art

I have been using gnome-ppp for about 1.5 years (on Arch linux - but more  
recently Kubuntu 8.10). It is basically just a gui over wvdial (so you  
might try just wvdial too).

I'm not sure if it would work for your particular model - but I've had  
success with it with my samsung U700. Also a couple of my friends have  
been using it with nokias, sony erricsons and a few others and all were  



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