How do I copy contents of a URL into Open Office?

Jerry Lapham rjlapham at
Mon Nov 24 03:05:37 UTC 2008

On Sunday 23 November 2008 5:07:44 pm Steven Vollom wrote:

> My mouse is a Microsoft cordless optical mouse with a center wheel that
> cannot be depressed.  Is there a different option for this type of mouse?

Are you sure?  On the only two optical mice (corded) that I'm familiar with 
you just press down on the center wheel and that's the middle mouse button.  
When I used to use the original MS "dovebar" mouse with no center wheel, I 
pressed both the right and left mouse buttons simultaneously to simulate a 
middle mouse button.  You could try that.

Jerry Lapham
Monroe, OH  45050
rjlapham at
I'm just glad that Al Gore invented the Internet before he mastered 
meteorology. - George Gilder

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