Password question.

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Mon Nov 24 01:12:31 UTC 2008

On Sunday 23 November 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
> So that you know and everyone in the world knows I need it my way, Here
> is my password.  em  It is my youngest granddaughter's name, short for
> Emma or Emmalie.  Now am I insecure enough.  I have done that because of
> Kubuntu's insistance to not allow a Root terminal.

Wrong.   You can have a root terminal very easily.  

sudo passwd  root
Enter password:  <enter your normal user passwd>
Enter new password:  <enter a root password>
Repeat new password:  <repeat the root passwod>

You are done.

from that point on, just issue   su -   and then enter the root password.

People will yell at me/you for this, but we're not children.

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