colors in /var/log **SOLVED**
Steven Vollom
stevenvollom at
Sun Nov 23 22:52:47 UTC 2008
Art Alexion wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 5:11 PM, Steven Vollom
> <stevenvollom at> wrote:
>>> Steven Vollom wrote:
>>>> I am just learning how to use the terminal. I wanted to see the health
>>>> of my system, but have never read a /var/log before. There 31 entries
>>>> that are pink colored, 34 entries that are white, and 3 blue entries.
>>>> Is this just patriotic for me here in the USA, or does red indicate I
>>>> should be concerned, white not concerned and blue, external concerns?
> The color coding has nothing to do with the health of your system.
> The coding is supposed to show you what kind of files they are. Try
> looking at other folders and see.
> I like the patriotic twist, though.
>>>> cannot see how seeing this page can tell me the health of my computer,
>>>> unless the colors are the way. How do I make my computer healthy?
> It isn't a page you are seeing, but a list of files in that directory.
> Looking at the list will not help you with anything, except maybe
> learing the structure of the directory.
>> the manual said viewing this location would tell me
>> if my system is healthy or not. I took that to mean that problems would
>> be identified and potentially executable solutions would be available,
>> am I incorrect?
> Not so simple. Looking at -- and understanding -- the contents of
> the files stored there will help you.
> There are gui log viewers that help you parse out the raw logs and try
> to see patterns and make sense of them. There are also utilities
> (command line), like logwatch, that can be configured to monitor the
> logs there and send you an email when things that might concern you
> happen.
Thanks Art, good to hear your digital voice again. I have missed you.
I am having so much fun. I am finally upward mobile on the learning
curve. It keeps me laughing with joy. I hope all is perfect for you
and yours. Is configuring logwatch easy for someone like me or am I
just inviting a new project? Will it be answered when I begin
understanding the manual, or is it pretty much advanced information?
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