Password question.

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Sun Nov 23 22:01:55 UTC 2008

On Sunday 23 November 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
> Dear Eberhard,
> I have a very secure password that I am able to remember.  It is not
> easy to crack, because it is a combination of 37 upper/lower case
> letters, numbers, and symbols, that are embedded into my otherwise
> terrible memory.  They don't relate to anything as far as I know.  
> Nothing relating to soc sec forward or backward or every other or every
> 1, 2, 3, etc.  They are gibberish even to me.

Waaay   overkill!

10 chars is more than enough, especially if you are behind a firewall such as 
most routers put up.

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